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Name WBe_PRB2019
Extended ID WBe_PRB2019_WoodCusentinoWirthThompson__DS_yq2whjjndyq5_0
Description This data set was originally used to generate a multi-component linear SNAP potential for tungsten and beryllium as published in Wood, M. A., et. al. Phys. Rev. B 99 (2019) 184305. This data set was developed for the purpose of studying plasma material interactions in fusion reactors.
Authors Mitchell A. Wood
Mary Alice Cusentino
Brian D. Wirth
Aidan P. Thompson
DOI 10.60732/7500db4b

Cite as: Wood, M. A., Cusentino, M. A., Wirth, B. D., and Thompson, A. P. "WBe PRB2019." ColabFit, 2023.
For other citation formats, see the DataCite Fabrica page for this dataset.
Elements Be (50.12%)
W (49.88%)
Number of Data Objects 25,120
Number of Configurations 25,120
Number of Atoms 525,915
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Data Objects Too many to display
ColabFit ID DS_yq2whjjndyq5_0
Files colabfitspec.json

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