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Name cG-SchNet
Extended ID cG-SchNet__Gebauer-Gastegger-Hessmann-Müller-Schütt__DS_xzaglubh0trq_0
Description Configurations from a cG-SchNet trained on a subset of the QM9dataset. Model was trained with the intention of providing molecules withspecified functional groups or motifs, relying on sampling of molecularfingerprint data. Relaxation data for the generated molecules is computedusing ORCA software. Configuration sets include raw data fromcG-SchNet-generated configurations, with models trained on several differenttypes of target data and DFT relaxation data as a separate configurationset. Includes approximately 80,000 configurations.
Authors Niklas W.A. Gebauer
Michael Gastegger
Stefaan S.P. Hessmann
Klaus-Robert Müller
Kristof T. Schütt
DOI 10.60732/de8af6a2

Cite as: Gebauer, N. W., Gastegger, M., Hessmann, S. S., Müller, K., and Schütt, K. T. "cG-SchNet." ColabFit, 2023.
For other citation formats, see the DataCite Fabrica page for this dataset.
Calculated Property Types atomic_forces
Elements C (35.93%)
F (0.16%)
H (51.0%)
N (4.96%)
O (7.96%)
Number of Configurations 79,772
Number of Atoms 1,467,492
Configuration Sets by Name cG-SchNet_polarizability_predicted — Configurations from cG-SchNet dataset with properties predicted using cG-SchNet model trained on isotropic polarizability data
cG-SchNet_polarizability_computed — Configurations from cG-SchNet dataset with relaxation properties computed using ORCA, based on cG-Schnet model trained on isotropic polarizability data
cG-SchNet_fingerprint_predicted — Configurations from cG-SchNet dataset with properties predicted using cG-SchNet model trained on vector-valued molecular fingerprints
cG-SchNet_fingerprint_computed — Configurations from cG-SchNet dataset with relaxation properties computed using ORCA, based on cG-Schnet model trained on vector-valued molecular fingerprints
cG-SchNet_gap_predicted — Configurations from cG-SchNet dataset with properties predicted using cG-SchNet model trained on HOMO-LUMO gap data
cG-SchNet_gap_computed — Configurations from cG-SchNet dataset with relaxation properties computed using ORCA, based on cG-Schnet model trained on HOMO-LUMO gap data
cG-SchNet_composition_relative_energy_predicted — Configurations from cG-SchNet dataset with properties predicted using cG-SchNet model trained on atomic composition and relative atomic energy data
cG-SchNet_composition_relative_energy_computed — Configurations from cG-SchNet dataset with relaxation properties computed using ORCA, based on cG-Schnet model trained on atomic composition and relative atomic energy data
cG-SchNet_gap_relative_energy_predicted — Configurations from cG-SchNet dataset with properties predicted using cG-SchNet model trained on HOMO-LUMO gap and relative atomic energy data
cG-SchNet_gap_computed — Configurations from cG-SchNet dataset with relaxation properties computed using ORCA, based on cG-Schnet model trained on HOMO-LUMO gap and relative atomic energy data
Configuration Sets by ID CS_8jsich5xzdkk_0
Calculated Properties
ColabFit ID DS_xzaglubh0trq_0
Files colabfitspec.json

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