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Extended ID JARVIS_CFID_OQMD__Kirklin-Saal-Meredig-Thompson-Doak-Aykol-Rühl-Wolverton__DS_u8strp7hm0cy_0
Description The JARVIS_CFID_OQMD dataset is part of the joint automated repository for various integrated simulations (JARVIS) database. This dataset contains configurations from the Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD), created to hold information about the electronic structure and stability of organic materials for the purpose of aiding in materials discovery. Calculations were performed at the DFT level of theory, using the PAW-PBE functional implemented by VASP. This dataset also includes classical force-field inspired descriptors (CFID) for each configuration. JARVIS is a set of tools and collected datasets built to meet current materials design challenges.
Authors Scott Kirklin
James E Saal
Bryce Meredig
Alex Thompson
Jeff W Doak
Muratahan Aykol
Stephan Rühl
Chris Wolverton
DOI 10.60732/967596c1

Cite as: Kirklin, S., Saal, J. E., Meredig, B., Thompson, A., Doak, J. W., Aykol, M., Rühl, S., and Wolverton, C. "JARVIS CFID OQMD." ColabFit, 2023.
For other citation formats, see the DataCite Fabrica page for this dataset.
Property Types atomic_forces
Elements Ac (0.89%)
Ag (1.06%)
Al (1.43%)
Ar (0.0%)
As (1.26%)
Au (1.0%)
B (1.49%)
Ba (1.22%)
Be (0.94%)
Bi (1.06%)
Br (0.3%)
C (0.52%)
Ca (1.13%)
Cd (1.05%)
Ce (1.05%)
Cl (0.65%)
Co (1.3%)
Cr (1.03%)
Cs (1.12%)
Cu (1.32%)
Dy (0.99%)
Er (0.99%)
Eu (1.01%)
F (0.96%)
Fe (1.29%)
Ga (1.17%)
Gd (1.0%)
Ge (1.32%)
H (1.18%)
He (0.0%)
Hf (0.97%)
Hg (1.0%)
Ho (0.97%)
I (0.42%)
In (1.1%)
Ir (0.98%)
K (1.24%)
Kr (0.0%)
La (1.09%)
Li (1.78%)
Lu (0.93%)
Mg (2.79%)
Mn (1.19%)
Mo (1.04%)
N (0.59%)
Na (1.21%)
Nb (1.04%)
Nd (1.0%)
Ne (0.0%)
Ni (1.44%)
Np (0.87%)
O (11.67%)
Os (0.92%)
P (0.58%)
Pa (0.86%)
Pb (1.07%)
Pd (1.08%)
Pm (0.87%)
Pr (1.0%)
Pt (1.02%)
Pu (0.89%)
Rb (1.08%)
Re (0.92%)
Rh (1.02%)
Ru (1.0%)
S (1.24%)
Sb (1.14%)
Sc (0.99%)
Se (0.74%)
Si (1.47%)
Sm (0.98%)
Sn (1.21%)
Sr (1.12%)
Ta (0.95%)
Tb (0.92%)
Tc (0.83%)
Te (1.22%)
Th (0.85%)
Ti (1.45%)
Tl (0.96%)
Tm (0.89%)
U (0.91%)
V (1.01%)
W (0.91%)
Xe (0.0%)
Y (0.95%)
Yb (0.94%)
Zn (1.56%)
Zr (1.4%)
Number of Property Objects 459,952
Number of Configurations 459,991
Number of Atoms 2,366,255
Configuration Sets by Name (None)
Configuration Sets by ID (None)
Property Objects Too many to display
ColabFit ID DS_u8strp7hm0cy_0
Files colabfitspec.json

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