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Name HME21_test
Extended ID HME21_test__Takamoto-Shinagawa-Motoki-Nakago-Li-Kurata-Watanabe-Yayama-Iriguchi-Asano-Onodera-Ishii-Kudo-Ono-Sawada-Ishitani-Ong-Yamaguchi-Kataoka-Hayashi-Charoenphakdee-Ibuka__DS_cpgyq72fs7uk_0
Description The test set from HME21. The high-temperature multi-element 2021 (HME21) dataset comprises approximately 25,000 configurations, including 37 elements, used in the training of a universal NNP called PreFerential Potential (PFP). The dataset specifically contains disordered and unstable structures, and structures that include irregular substitutions, as well as varied temperature and density.
Authors So Takamoto
Chikashi Shinagawa
Daisuke Motoki
Kosuke Nakago
Wenwen Li
Iori Kurata
Taku Watanabe
Yoshihiro Yayama
Hiroki Iriguchi
Yusuke Asano
Tasuku Onodera
Takafumi Ishii
Takao Kudo
Hideki Ono
Ryohto Sawada
Ryuichiro Ishitani
Marc Ong
Taiki Yamaguchi
Toshiki Kataoka
Akihide Hayashi
Nontawat Charoenphakdee
Takeshi Ibuka
DOI 10.60732/bddeac8f

Cite as: Takamoto, S., Shinagawa, C., Motoki, D., Nakago, K., Li, W., Kurata, I., Watanabe, T., Yayama, Y., Iriguchi, H., Asano, Y., Onodera, T., Ishii, T., Kudo, T., Ono, H., Sawada, R., Ishitani, R., Ong, M., Yamaguchi, T., Kataoka, T., Hayashi, A., Charoenphakdee, N., and Ibuka, T. "HME21 test." ColabFit, 2023.
For other citation formats, see the DataCite Fabrica page for this dataset.
Calculated Property Types atomic_forces
Elements Ag (3.26%)
Al (2.37%)
Au (2.35%)
Ba (2.34%)
C (2.48%)
Ca (2.47%)
Cl (2.32%)
Co (3.0%)
Cr (2.67%)
Cu (2.23%)
F (2.59%)
Fe (4.06%)
H (1.81%)
In (2.51%)
Ir (1.94%)
K (2.3%)
Li (2.49%)
Mg (2.21%)
Mn (2.9%)
Mo (2.45%)
N (2.4%)
Na (2.2%)
Ni (2.74%)
O (5.68%)
P (2.85%)
Pb (2.64%)
Pd (2.45%)
Pt (2.28%)
Rh (2.92%)
Ru (3.56%)
S (1.8%)
Sc (2.89%)
Si (2.61%)
Sn (2.59%)
Ti (3.3%)
V (2.87%)
Zn (3.47%)
Number of Configurations 2,495
Number of Atoms 69,572
Configuration Sets by Name (None)
Configuration Sets by ID (None)
Calculated Properties
ColabFit ID DS_cpgyq72fs7uk_0
Files colabfitspec.json

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