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Name | Mg_edmonds_2022 |
Extended ID | Mg_edmonds_2022__Poul__DS_caktb6z8yiy7_0 |
Description | 16748 configurations of magnesium with gathered energy, stress and forces at the DFT level of theory. |
Authors |
Marvin Poul |
10.60732/4b13be86 Cite as: Poul, M. "Mg edmonds 2022." ColabFit, 2023. For other citation formats, see the DataCite Fabrica page for this dataset. |
Calculated Property Types |
atomic_forces cauchy_stress energy |
Elements |
Mg (100.0%) |
Number of Configurations | 16,874 |
Number of Atoms | 78,617 |
Links | |
Configuration Sets by Name |
mg_edmonds_2022_CellMin — Configurations from mg_edmonds_2022 in CellMin dataset mg_edmonds_2022_Everything — Configurations from mg_edmonds_2022 in Everything dataset (defined by dataset author) mg_edmonds_2022_EverythingNoShear — Configurations from mg_edmonds_2022 in EverythingNoShear dataset mg_edmonds_2022_Hydro — Configurations from mg_edmonds_2022 in Hydro dataset mg_edmonds_2022_IntMin — Configurations from mg_edmonds_2022 in IntMin dataset mg_edmonds_2022_RandSPG — Configurations from mg_edmonds_2022 in RandSPG dataset mg_edmonds_2022_Rattle — Configurations from mg_edmonds_2022 in Rattle dataset mg_edmonds_2022_Shear — Configurations from mg_edmonds_2022 in Shear dataset mg_edmonds_2022_VolMin — Configurations from mg_edmonds_2022 in VolMin dataset |
Configuration Sets by ID |
CS_6p47b3vouute_0 CS_bkf6fd914z4a_0 CS_c3cyquqgz013_0 CS_gnbryp2gc2aa_0 CS_jkt3srf7smdy_0 CS_jxv8o9xyfiv8_0 CS_sy0x1ztw9v6k_0 CS_t2zabqyncy36_0 CS_xf4rabituygf_0 |
Calculated Properties | |
ColabFit ID | DS_caktb6z8yiy7_0 |
Files | colabfitspec.json |
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