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Name | QM7b_AlphaML |
Extended ID | QM7b_AlphaML__Yang-Lao-Wilkins-Grisafi-Ceriotti-Jr__DS_3a5xucj4yqa8_0 |
Description | Energy, computed with LR-CCSD, hybrid DFT (B3LYP & SCAN0) for 7211 molecules in QM7b and 52 molecules in AlphaML showcase database. |
Authors |
Yang Yang Ka Un Lao David M. Wilkins Andrea Grisafi Michele Ceriotti Robert A. DiStasio Jr |
10.60732/8fb1d4c7 Cite as: Yang, Y., Lao, K. U., Wilkins, D. M., Grisafi, A., Ceriotti, M., and Jr, R. A. D. "QM7b AlphaML." ColabFit, 2023. For other citation formats, see the DataCite Fabrica page for this dataset. |
Calculated Property Types |
atomic_forces cauchy_stress energy |
Elements |
C (32.32%) Cl (0.04%) H (55.94%) N (6.01%) O (5.42%) S (0.27%) |
Number of Configurations | 29,033 |
Number of Atoms | 408,865 |
Links | |
Configuration Sets by Name |
B3LYP_daTZ — Configurations gathered using DFT B3LYP methods and the d-aug-cc-pVTZ basis set B3LYP_daDZ — Configurations gathered using DFT B3LYP methods and the d-aug-cc-pVDZ basis set SCAN0 — Configurations gathered using DFT SCAN0 methods and the d-aug-cc-pVDZ basis set CCSD_daDZ — Configurations gathered using quantum calculation CCSD methods and the d-aug-cc-pVDZ basis set |
Configuration Sets by ID |
CS_72x5s93i6fb2_0 CS_p2jd3wt9tm4j_0 CS_p6c5ds301db9_0 CS_vf6z1f7uherz_0 |
Calculated Properties | |
ColabFit ID | DS_3a5xucj4yqa8_0 |
Files | colabfitspec.json |
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